Thanks to the generous donations by our Sponsors, along with Trivia Night and our other fundraisers, we're pleased to be able to offer scholarship opportunities to music students at three different times of the year, as well as a scholarship for graduating seniors.
Fall Recital Scholarhips
$100 scholarships will be awarded!
These scholarships are audition-based and are awarded in the fall. Students can audition as a solo or with an accompanist and will perform in front of a panel of three judges (judges are not Willowbrook employees or staff).
These scholarships are for private lessons. Checks will be paid directly to each winning student’s private teacher. If a winning student is not currently taking lessons, they will need to find a teacher and start lessons.
All music students in all departments are eligible.
Winners perform at the November Music Boosters meeting. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend.
2024 Audition Date: 10/22/24
Link to 2024 application will be posted closer to the application period.
Senior Music Scholarships
Up to five $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors in the music department!
These scholarships are very competitive and are awarded in the spring. Recipients are announced at the Senior Recognition Ceremony that takes place the Friday before graduation.
The application consists of an online form, answers to several essay questions, a resume, and one teacher recommendation from a non-music faculty member.
To qualify for this scholarship, the student must be a senior enrolled in a Willowbrook music program.
Spring Booster Bucks Scholarships
Up to five $100 scholarships will be awarded!
These scholarships are NOT performance-based and are awarded in the spring. They can help offset the cost of private lessons or the cost of instrument repair and supplies.
To apply for this scholarship, the student must volunteer at two music events or have approved volunteer time with their director totaling four hours.
Open to current students in orchestra, guitar, band, and choir.
Summer Music Camp Scholarships
$200 scholarships will be awarded!
These scholarships are awarded in the spring for summer music camp tuition and are paid directly to the camp. If the student is not currently signed up for a summer camp, but is in the process of selecting one, please still apply and indicate that on the application.
To qualify for this scholarship, you must:
Be a sophomore or junior (freshmen will be considered after sophomores and juniors)
Be enrolled in a Willowbrook music program
Plan to attend a summer music camp
Have volunteered at least four hours in the music department
Link to required application will be posted closer to the application period.